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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nativities for the Whole Family

The weather is getting colder... Can you believe there is only 51 days until Christmas! I love pulling out the Holiday decorations especially the nativities. My very favorite nativity is from Fisher Price- It is part of the Little People series- Perfect for little fingers to play with. - It does however definitely look like a toy.

This beautiful wood nativity I just found out about from Leaps and Bound is not only kid safe but isn't so toyish in appearance. Right now Pauline over at Berrie Sweet Picks is giving away one of these great nativities- but hurry contest ends on the 8th!


Dianna said...

I really want one of those for my son! I'm hoping we'll get one for Christmas this year.

Rowberry Family said...

Last year I bought the little people nativity for macy and she loved it. I cant wait to get it out again soon!